
  • Who Cleans Up The Crime Scene of a Homicide?

    We have all heard the stories, read the news articles, watched the news broadcasts and watched the crime shows recreate the headlines. Whether it is a dramatized scene created by Hollywood or a live action feed of an actual crime scene, we all have at least a minimal understanding of what happens following a death…

  • Animal Hoarding NJ – Impact of Animal Hoarding & Professional Hoarding Cleanup Services

    What is Animal Hoarding? Hoarding is characterized by the compulsion to acquire objects in excess and the extreme resistance to discarding any of the objects due to a perceived need to save them. What sets a hoarding situation apart from collection or clutter is the impact that the accumulated objects have on the hoarder’s day-to-day…

  • Understanding The Mold Remediation Process in New Jersey

    What is Mold Remediation? Mold Remediation– the removal, cleaning, sanitizing, demolition, or other treatment, including preventive activities, of mold or mold-contaminated matter that was not purposely grown at that location. Mold is a natural part of the environment around us, and it plays an important role in the natural breakdown of organic materials. While there will…

  • How to Handle a Blood & Bodily Fluid Cleanup – South Jersey Accident Cleanup

    Blood is considered a biohazard and exposure to it can be dangerous. Human blood, human blood components, and products made of human blood — can expose you to a number of bloodborne pathogens: HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, MRSA, and other transmittable diseases. Bloodshed After an Accident in South Jersey Some things in life are…

  • Prevent Property Damage from Melting Snow After South Jersey Storms

    South Jersey weather this time of year is notoriously fickle. The last few weeks of winter usually brings unpredictable weather that can mean large quantities of snowfall over a short period of time, with quickly rising temperatures in the days to follow. Heavy and rapidly accumulating snowfall can mean serious damage to your New Jersey…

  • Prepare Your New Jersey Home For Spring Weather

    Spring in Southern New Jersey is notorious for it’s rapidly changing weather, especially in April as we transition out of winter. Most often this means a great deal of heavy rain fall. Excessive spring rain showers can damage your home if you are not careful and have not taken the necessary precautions. Heavy rainfall can…

  • Springtime Basement Mold Prevention in New Jersey

    New Jersey basements are can easily fall victim to mold growth if homeowners are not careful. Basements are notoriously damp with little to no air circulation, which can create the perfect home for mold. South Jersey springs are known to be fickle, with varying degrees of precipitation and fluctuating temperatures. It is important for NJ homeowners…

  • Why You Should NEVER Paint Over Mold in Your South Jersey Home

    Mold growth is often the result of a moisture problem in your South Jersey property. Whether is it a leak of some kind, humidity issues or other water source, the moisture problem and the mold needs to be addressed to avoid widespread damage and potential health implications. Mold is considered a bio-contaminate that needs to…

Before You Call Just Any Mold Removal Company...

Make sure you read our guide and learn what to consider when looking for a reputable mold professional so you can get the job done right the first time!

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