Protect Your South Jersey Home From Rain Damage

Rain Damage From Summer Storms Summer in South Jersey is known for its tumultuous weather. One minute it’s sunny and 75º, and the next thing you know, we’re getting a tornado warning. South Jersey’s unpredictable summer weather makes it difficult to plan and prepare for what’s coming – because we can never be sure. In … Read more

Drafty Windows, Water Damage & Indoor Mold Growth

Drafty Windows Can Lead To Damage In Your South Jersey Home   Windows are a great way to get some fresh air into your home. Nothing is more relaxing than a nice, cool breeze coming in on a calm spring day. However, when you close that window, its job is to keep that breeze – … Read more

How To Prevent Water Intrusion During Long Periods of Rainfall

South Jersey residents know that rain patterns can be difficult to predict for each season. We can go from long periods of heatwaves with little to no rain, to long periods of gloomy, heavy rainfall. Proper preparation can go a long way to prevent water intrusion and minimize possible water damage to your NJ property. Prevent … Read more

Slow Leaks Lead to Indoor Mold Growth

Moisture Buildup From Slow Leaks in New Jersey Properties A single droplet of water can be deceptively harmless. Even several droplets of water may only cause very minor damage to your New Jersey property. However, over time, droplet by droplet, slow water buildup from an unaddressed leak will easily penetrate your porous building materials, cause … Read more

Hidden Mold Growth And Water Damage Caused By Water Leaks

If water is loose in your New Jersey property from a hidden leak, no matter the original water source, it can rapidly spread and affect porous building materials throughout the home or business. Hidden Mold Growth And Water Damage Caused by Undetected Water Leaks Unaddressed leaks can lead to widespread water damage, cause serious mold growth, … Read more

Prevent Property Damage from Melting Snow After South Jersey Storms

South Jersey weather this time of year is notoriously fickle. The last few weeks of winter usually brings unpredictable weather that can mean large quantities of snowfall over a short period of time, with quickly rising temperatures in the days to follow. Heavy and rapidly accumulating snowfall can mean serious damage to your New Jersey … Read more

What Causes Sewer Backups in South Jersey Homes?

I think that we can all agree that we are all extremely grateful for indoor plumbing. The real hero in every South Jersey home is the sewage system. A properly functioning sewage system with clear, well-maintained lines ensures our daily waste is thoroughly flushed or washed away with little to no hassle. No all heroes … Read more

Frozen Attic in Southern New Jersey – Cause & Prevention

It’s so Cold, my Attic Froze Over How has the year 2018 been thus far? COLD, to say the least. The exceptionally harsh weather conditions over the last couple of weeks has left us all wishing for summer. With dramatic shifts in weather, comes dramatic shifts in home maintenance problems. Due to recent plummeting temperatures, … Read more

How to Handle a Sewer Backup in NJ

If you and your family are fortunate enough to have never experienced a sewage backup in your NJ home… Yes, a sewage backup is exactly as awful it sounds. Some signs of a sewage leak in NJ can be very obvious, like odors and visible moisture. Others, can be easily missed. When it comes to … Read more

What To Do After A Flood

When faced with the aftermath of a flood, quick and immediate action becomes the key component in protecting your home from further damage. Immediately following a flood, there is a great deal of stress and countless things to consider. If appropriate precautions are not taken after a flood, you might be putting you and your … Read more

Signs of Indoor Moisture Problems in New Jersey Buildings

Once water is loose indoors, it can flow anywhere and cause all kinds of damage to your building materials. Water can wreak havoc on your home or business if it collects in inappropriate places and is not thoroughly dried out soon enough. Water can be sneaky and inconspicuous so we have to rely on identifying … Read more

Warning Signs of a NJ Sewage Leak or Sewage Backup

Dealing with a Potential Sewage Backup in Your South Jersey Home Sewage– we’re all thinking it, “Gross, mushy poop particles floating around in questionable liquids.” The last thing any of us wants is major sewage backup or sewage leak in our home. Sewage harbors dangerous bacteria that should be safely handled by a trained professional. … Read more

Prevent Mold After a Flood in New Jersey

Flooding in your home can be the consequence of various major water events (i.e.: natural disaster, major leaks, heavy rainfall, etc.). Serious flooding can leave your New Jersey home or business especially vulnerable to mold development. As cleanup efforts begin, be sure to bear in mind the potential risks for mold growth and be on … Read more

Dealing with Frozen Pipes in New Jersey: Prevention and Solution

As temperatures drop in the South Jersey area, your pipes grow more and more vulnerable to cracks and ruptures. Water is unique in that it expands when it freezes, unlike most materials that contract with drops in temperature. Without proper preparation, dropping temperatures can freeze the water in your pipes, and the extreme pressure will … Read more

Prevent Basement Flooding In New Jersey

Your basement can be very useful and important to you and your family. Whether it has been renovated into a livable space or used simply for storage, you do not want it to fall victim to basement flooding. Basement floods leave families with damaged property and a big ‘ol repair bill. If your basement suffers … Read more

Preparing For The Storm: Winter Storm Home Safety Tips

Depending on severity, winter storms can be very dangerous to you, your family, and your home. Snow, sleet, ice, strong winds, and extremely low temperatures during a New Jersey winter storm can severely impact your property. It is important to take some time to prepare yourself, your family, and your home to minimize damages and … Read more

Prevent Water Damage While Away For The Holidays

The holiday season (between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) sees the highest influx in traveling. Whether you are going away to have obligatory Thanksgiving dinner at your in-laws, returning home for a cozy Christmas with your family, or just plain trying to escape the cold by traveling to somewhere on a beach and in the … Read more

Bathroom Mold In Your NJ Home– Tips for Prevention and Removal

Your South Jersey home could be vulnerable to bathroom mold growth. Some rooms may be more susceptible to mold growth if activities produce more moisture. For example, bathrooms are commonly damp. Between showers, sink usage and toilet usage, your bathroom can be the ideal breeding ground for mold. There is often an abundance of moisture, it … Read more

Prevent Winter Water Damage During South Jersey Winters

Winter water damage is both stressful and expensive to properly resolve. Untreated water intrusion compromises the structural integrity of your home, and it can lead to major mold development. As the temperature drops, your home grows more vulnerable to water damage. Learn more about the contributing factors to winter water damage so you can prevent … Read more

Emergency Preparedness NJ: Last Minute Hurricane Prep Tips

Now that it is September and we are heading into the last couple of months of hurricane season in the U.S Northeast, it is important to refresh ourselves with some quick emergency preparedness tips in the case of major storm alerts. Hurricanes are unfortunate natural disasters and are inevitable, so all we can do is … Read more

Before You Call Just Any Mold Removal Company...

Make sure you read our guide and learn what to consider when looking for a reputable mold professional so you can get the job done right the first time!

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